Saturday, October 22, 2016

Why I Write

Earlier this week #WhyIWrite was trending on Twitter. Many people shared thoughtful and introspective reasons for writing. One of the most popular tweets spoke of the challenges accompanying the craft – insomnia, stress and isolation. The gif of Kermit typing furiously on a typewriter was added for dramatic effect.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Three years down, a lifetime to go

Over the summer we visited Snoqualmie Falls. The hike to the bottom wasn't bad but it was a beast going back up.
I know, I know. It’s been awhile since you heard from me. A few weeks turned into a couple months which turned into a ridiculous amount of time to update this blog. If it helps, I’ve thought A LOT about crafting a new post. Even started a few. As you can see actions speak louder than words and well…

Anywho. I’m here now.

BIENVENUE!!! Comment allez-vous?

Hopefully life is treating you as well as is has me the last couple months.