Sunday, February 10, 2019

Seattle Snowpocalypse: Surprise Snow Snares Sistah in the 'Burbs

The park in our neighborhood.
(Note: The title of this post is courtesy of my husband)

As I write this, I’m looking out into our yard from the dining room windows. Several inches of snow blankets the ground and it’s quite beautiful. The bare tree limbs are now coated with a fine white powder. It's as if they're wearing crisp white tuxedo jackets and are ready for a swanky affair. My favorite aspect of snow is how quiet everything becomes. The stillness is peaceful and reminds me to slow down. I become hyperaware of everything – from my surroundings to my breathing.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Taking the Plunge

Marina Park in Kirkland before the annual polar bear plunge.

Today I immersed my body into the frigid waters of Lake Washington. I joined a good-sized crowd of people who decided to start 2019 with the same thing in mind - a polar bear plunge.
I have an idea about what you might be thinking.