Tuesday, December 30, 2014

12 books in 12 months: #1 Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling’s book did not disappoint. If I were quoted on the jacket it would say, “Witty, insightful, and a window into the world that’s shaped Mindy Kaling into the comedienne we love today. If you’re not familiar with Mindy Netflix/Hulu/Google her work ASAP.”

As expected I laughed a lot. I’m a relatively new fan of Mindy’s work and at many points I can hear her voice in my head saying what she’s written. She's quickly become one of my favorite women in comedy. She's smart, sassy, and honest. And the character she portrays on The Mindy Project reminds me a bit too much of myself at times.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seahawks Sunday

We’re headed to the playoffs baby! This is exciting for Seattle Seahawks fans and the city in general. If we keep playing like we have the last few games I think we can make it to the Super Bowl again this year. (Because you know I’m an expert in football and Pete Carroll and I discuss strategy before game day hahaha.) After a bit of a slow start I’m thrilled the Hawks are playing like a championship team.

Within a few months of moving here last year we won the Super Bowl. After the game my friend Amber and I walked a couple blocks down the street from her house to hang out at a bar. Crowds of people were out walking around, cheering, chanting “SEA! HAWKS!” and waving 12th man flags. The bar was packed and there was a glow on the faces of everyone there.

It was electric.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Book lover getting back on track

Just a few of my books.
I’m an avid reader and have been for as long as I can remember. I come from a family of bibliophiles and my mom is a librarian so you could say I really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. After school I didn’t always go straight home, instead I went to North Myrtle Beach Middle School to help my mom in the library. I checked out books, put them back on the shelf, and when I was lucky I even got to use the laminating machine. For the record, I STILL get excited about laminating signs.

To this day I love roaming the aisles of bookstores. I love the smell emanating from the shelves. I love being surrounded by books. There’s a sense of calm and curiosity that washes over me. If I walk into a Half Price Books or Barnes and Noble I'll probably leave with at least two novels. I can't help myself.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Good news!

Panelists at the LinkedIn Rock Your Profile event in Seattle.
Since leaving television more than a year ago I've been in the midst of a career transition. Despite some obstacles I feel like I'm hitting my stride.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Southerner in Seattle: Halloween fail

It’s been awhile since I’ve felt like a southerner trapped in the Pacific Northwest but on Halloween I was reminded of the regional differences here in Seattle. After tossing around ideas, like librarian or cowgirl, I settled on dressing up as a member of the Red Hat Society. It’s a social group for women typically 50-years-old and up. They’re often seen at events, restaurants, and touring local sites. When they get together they always wear red hats adorned with purple accents as well as purple and/or red outfits.

I was ecstatic about my choice. SO EXCITED. I went to Goodwill to find a red hat to wear and planned on tying a purple scarf around it. My elation only grew as I was pulling out red and purple clothes from my closet the night before Halloween. I found a purple cardigan that matched perfectly with my purple pants. YES! I also found a purple dress that I’d forgotten about. YES! The scene was set. Work outfit was put together and so was the outfit I planned on changing into for a costume party I was going to later that night.

I even took pictures to send to my friend Val. She supported my choice but tried to warn me that MAYBE people wouldn’t get it.

I didn’t listen.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lisa vs. Lunds Gulch

The Pacific Northwest is a prime location for outdoor enthusiasts and rightly so. There are dozens of trails to walk, mountains to hike, and bodies of water to explore. The views are often picturesque and a reminder of why I moved here more than a year ago. On a recent Saturday afternoon my boyfriend Jeff, his dog Frankie, and I hit the Lunds Gulch trail with excitement.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

My first Seattle summer

A few months ago a friend of mine and a few other people said summer doesn’t actually begin in Seattle until after the 4th of July. At the time I simply didn’t believe them. I thought to myself there’s no way that could be true. Implausible even. I'm used to summer like weather starting in April. But as the days of June rolled by and I was still wearing long sleeved shirts or a light jacket I was proven wrong. It’s still a bit surprising that it’s taken so long for it to stay warm consistently.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Snow" in the Spring

For the last few weeks there’s been what looks like small translucent cotton balls flying through the air. At times it’s been so heavy that it resembles a snowstorm. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I was riding on the bus home one afternoon and was just fascinated by it; hundreds of dime sized pieces swirling around us, moving at the whim of the wind. The parking lot at work is covered with it. I couldn't resist picking up some of the cottony mass for a closer inspection.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

One goal down, many more to go

Recently the temporary position I have been working the last several weeks became permanent. Whoo hoo! (Two thumbs up for health benefits that start immediately, a company paid bus pass, and other perks) It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can take a deep breath and know that I have a steady source of income. I hadn’t fully realized just how important it is until now. I’m really not a fan of uncertainty.

I’m pretty excited to be able to check this off my to-do list. The down time that I have at work allows me to work on various writing projects. That’s another win.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Warm weather brings bliss

Who knew a little warm weather could brighten everyone’s mood? Today western Washington is experiencing above average temperatures. The highs are predicted to reach into the 80’s today, the humidity is low and it’s got everyone in my office in a very cheerful mood. Actually cheerful doesn’t quite describe the vibe, it’s more like giddiness; a kid on Christmas morning opening presents type of joy. Everybody is talking about the weather and several people are wearing shorts today (the Pacific Northwest has a very casual attitude when it comes to clothing even in the workplace).

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Seattle, where the streets are abound with coffee snobs

I think the urban dictionary sums it up well in their definition of a Seattleite, “pretentious coffee snob due to the thousands of delicious coffee houses and rostaries that surround them."

Seattleites LOVE their coffee. And many are very specific about where and how they want their cup of java prepared; from pour-over to drip to Americano to Café Au Lait. If you want to awaken your taste buds with the hot beverage there’s absolutely no shortage in Seattle. According to Discover America’s website there are 2.5 coffee shops for every 1,000 citizens giving Seattle “the greatest concentration of coffee houses in the country, which underscores a key element of Seattle’s reputation: the city is awash in caffeine.” Because the availability of coffee is so pervasive there’s also no shortage of coffee snobs.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hello sun, nice to see you!

Yes we do see the sun in Seattle. As evidenced in the above picture. Contrary to public opinion it DOES NOT rain everyday all year long. It’s so funny how that rumor persists. Interestingly, to some degree the locals don’t mind it too much. They’re secretly hoping no one else decides to move here :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

When news becomes news

Photographer Bill Strothman, screenshot KOMO.com
It’s not a common occurrence for an event involving a news outlet to dominate nationwide headlines because of misfortune. But when it does we’re all affected. And by “we” I’m referring to those in the business and those like myself who have left. Television news, and by extension print, is a very VERY small industry. We all know each other and if I don’t know someone personally I can guarantee you one of my friends does.

Three weeks ago Pilot Gary Pfitzner, 59, and former KOMO photographer Bill Strothman, 62, died when the helicopter they were in crashed in downtown Seattle. When I heard the news I was shocked but I’m sure my reaction paled in comparison to the family, friends, and co-workers of the victims. The crash happened right outside KOMO’s building. Then they reported on it. Talk about a scenario none of us wants to be in.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Day trip to Bainbridge Island

View of downtown Seattle from the ferry
The great thing about Seattle is the proximity to other cities and towns that make for great day trips. Sunday I hopped on a ferry to Bainbridge Island for a quick getaway. The weather was gorgeous and the view was amazing.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My favorite things: Seattle edition

I’ve been in Seattle for about six months and let me tell you it’s gone by very quickly. Sometimes I look at my life in disbelief. It hasn’t quite fully settled in that I live here. Thanks to parents who instilled in my sister and me the joys of traveling and experiencing new things I was more than prepared to handle living in a completely different environment. I’m grateful for all the family vacations we took during the summer, college football games in the fall, and the encouragement to step out of my comfort zone.

During my short time here I’ve done a pretty good amount of exploring and trying new things. Each time I’m surprised and delighted by the experience. I still have A LOT to do, but here’s a list of my favorite things so far. They are listed in no particular order. *drum roll please!*

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday I’ve really grown to love as an adult. I’ll be honest. It has nothing to do with its religious roots. Instead I see it as a chance to wear green, attend Irish themed festivities and drink green beer. I also like to jokingly tell people I’m black Irish when they ask why I’m so excited :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Me + Stairs = Catastrophic Consequences

These days I’m working at an office in Bellevue, WA and I take public transportation to work. Unlike the routes going into downtown (especially at night) it’s usually a calm ride without any craziness.

Well this morning I became a spectacle.
I took home the gold ladies and gentleman.

Monday, March 10, 2014

So what’s next?

Me with the band Alabama. This was one of my favorite days in television.
So what’s next for this former Weekend Anchor/Producer/Reporter/Photographer?  That’s a good question actually. And it turns out others who know me and/or used to watch me deliver the news are more curious in the answer than I am.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Moving forward and not looking back

My new home.
In September 2013 I made what will likely be one of the most important, life altering, significant decisions of my life. After weighing all my options I decided to pack up what could fit in my Toyota Corolla and relocate to Seattle, Washington from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

At the time I was in a precarious situation. My three year contract at the television station I worked for was up on August 25 and it was time to move on. The lease to my apartment was ending six days later. I was essentially going to be unemployed and homeless. Yes that’s a bit dramatic but that’s the reality of the situation. Plus, I’m attracted to extremes which is likely one of the reasons I love news (hahaha).