Thursday, April 24, 2014

Seattle, where the streets are abound with coffee snobs

I think the urban dictionary sums it up well in their definition of a Seattleite, “pretentious coffee snob due to the thousands of delicious coffee houses and rostaries that surround them."

Seattleites LOVE their coffee. And many are very specific about where and how they want their cup of java prepared; from pour-over to drip to Americano to CafĂ© Au Lait. If you want to awaken your taste buds with the hot beverage there’s absolutely no shortage in Seattle. According to Discover America’s website there are 2.5 coffee shops for every 1,000 citizens giving Seattle “the greatest concentration of coffee houses in the country, which underscores a key element of Seattle’s reputation: the city is awash in caffeine.” Because the availability of coffee is so pervasive there’s also no shortage of coffee snobs.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hello sun, nice to see you!

Yes we do see the sun in Seattle. As evidenced in the above picture. Contrary to public opinion it DOES NOT rain everyday all year long. It’s so funny how that rumor persists. Interestingly, to some degree the locals don’t mind it too much. They’re secretly hoping no one else decides to move here :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

When news becomes news

Photographer Bill Strothman, screenshot
It’s not a common occurrence for an event involving a news outlet to dominate nationwide headlines because of misfortune. But when it does we’re all affected. And by “we” I’m referring to those in the business and those like myself who have left. Television news, and by extension print, is a very VERY small industry. We all know each other and if I don’t know someone personally I can guarantee you one of my friends does.

Three weeks ago Pilot Gary Pfitzner, 59, and former KOMO photographer Bill Strothman, 62, died when the helicopter they were in crashed in downtown Seattle. When I heard the news I was shocked but I’m sure my reaction paled in comparison to the family, friends, and co-workers of the victims. The crash happened right outside KOMO’s building. Then they reported on it. Talk about a scenario none of us wants to be in.