Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hello sun, nice to see you!

Yes we do see the sun in Seattle. As evidenced in the above picture. Contrary to public opinion it DOES NOT rain everyday all year long. It’s so funny how that rumor persists. Interestingly, to some degree the locals don’t mind it too much. They’re secretly hoping no one else decides to move here :)
There is some truth to the “rains all the time” notion. It does rain often but it hardly ever pours. For example, what I would consider a heavy rain back home (Myrtle Beach, SC) would be called a monsoon here. No seriously. That’s because when it does rain it’s usually just a drizzle. Then there’s this misting thing that happens. It’s not quite a drizzle, not dry either. So weird. Middle of the road madness and it drives me crazy! Thankfully it doesn’t happen very often.

I think what’s more significant is the number of overcast days. Typically we average about 200 cloudy days a year. That actually puts us on par with Chicago and Anchorage. Overcast days are what bothers some people but I don’t really mind.

We’re seeing the sun a lot more these days and this past weekend was really nice. The temperature got up to about 60/65 degrees and it felt great. One thing I’ve heard from people when they find out I just moved here is, “Just wait until the summer. It’s soooooooo nice!” On more than one occasion I’ve heard a version of this quote. And apparently in the summer people refuse to stay inside. The sun and great weather becomes a hot commodity most people want to enjoy. I’m looking forward to it. I’ve already got a list of things I want to do.

“Every day is a good day to be alive, whether the sun's shining or not.”
-Marty Robbins

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