Monday, March 31, 2014

Day trip to Bainbridge Island

View of downtown Seattle from the ferry
The great thing about Seattle is the proximity to other cities and towns that make for great day trips. Sunday I hopped on a ferry to Bainbridge Island for a quick getaway. The weather was gorgeous and the view was amazing.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My favorite things: Seattle edition

I’ve been in Seattle for about six months and let me tell you it’s gone by very quickly. Sometimes I look at my life in disbelief. It hasn’t quite fully settled in that I live here. Thanks to parents who instilled in my sister and me the joys of traveling and experiencing new things I was more than prepared to handle living in a completely different environment. I’m grateful for all the family vacations we took during the summer, college football games in the fall, and the encouragement to step out of my comfort zone.

During my short time here I’ve done a pretty good amount of exploring and trying new things. Each time I’m surprised and delighted by the experience. I still have A LOT to do, but here’s a list of my favorite things so far. They are listed in no particular order. *drum roll please!*

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday I’ve really grown to love as an adult. I’ll be honest. It has nothing to do with its religious roots. Instead I see it as a chance to wear green, attend Irish themed festivities and drink green beer. I also like to jokingly tell people I’m black Irish when they ask why I’m so excited :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Me + Stairs = Catastrophic Consequences

These days I’m working at an office in Bellevue, WA and I take public transportation to work. Unlike the routes going into downtown (especially at night) it’s usually a calm ride without any craziness.

Well this morning I became a spectacle.
I took home the gold ladies and gentleman.

Monday, March 10, 2014

So what’s next?

Me with the band Alabama. This was one of my favorite days in television.
So what’s next for this former Weekend Anchor/Producer/Reporter/Photographer?  That’s a good question actually. And it turns out others who know me and/or used to watch me deliver the news are more curious in the answer than I am.