Saturday, April 29, 2017

The splendid tulip fields of Skagit Valley

On the drive up I-5 to Skagit Valley I was pretty psyched to see the much talked about and photographed tulip fields. Since I wasn’t able to take time off during the week to see them Jeff and I woke up early to beat the crowds and the rain. The closer we got to our first stop, Roozengaarde, the more excited I became. The tulip festival is a driving tour but Roozengaarde is one of two places with display gardens you can walk through.

After parking our car we joined an ever increasing line to see the tulips. They lined the entrance with tulips and once you get past the gate they’re everywhere.


That’s the first word I said to myself when I saw the fields of red, yellow, white, and purple tulips.

Thousands of people descend upon the valley each spring to view the colorful blooms and for good reason. They are wonderful. Everyone from families to couples were taking pictures of themselves among the blooming flowers.

I don't know this couple but I thought they looked so cute together.

Jeff and I at Roozengaarde.

During my first spring here I was in awe of all the photographs of the tulips. Finally being able to see them was just what I expected and more.

There was also a section of different varieties of tulips. I had no idea they were so diverse.

The tulips met my expectations and I’m looking forward to seeing them again in the years to come.

"Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature." -Gerard De Nerval


  1. Beautiful..thank you for sharing..

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) I actually thought of you while I walked through the fields. It's right up your alley.
