Monday, January 12, 2015

Evergreen State Gem: North Creek Trail

North Creek Trail is a little gem in Snohomish County. Recently I went for a walk there as part of my commitment to moving my body more this year. I’ve been to this trail before during the summer but this is my first time walking it this winter. The trail is home to several ponds, wildlife, and of course tall trees, some decades old. In total it’s about eight miles long and connects Bothell, Mill Creek, and Everett. On any given day you’ll find people jogging, taking a stroll or walking their dog.

A portion of North Creek Trail is tucked away behind a shopping center, apartments, and a busy highway. Unless you were looking for it you wouldn’t know it was there. That’s one thing I love about this area. Oftentimes behind a row a trees lies a park, wetland, or some other type of protected area; a mini oasis of sorts for relaxing and being close to nature. One of the first things I noticed about Washington State is just how green it is (hence being nicknamed the Evergreen state). Seattle is home to millions of people but trees are still everywhere, even in the midst of downtown. Skyscrapers and evergreens share the landscape. Unlike other cities it's not a concrete jungle.

What made the outing different was the sound coming from North Creek. On this day the water moved quickly over rocks and stones along a path carved out long ago. I stepped closer to the edge of the bank for a better look and to take pictures. For a few minutes I just watched the water flow.

It reminded me of going to the beach back home and staring at the waves crashing against the shore. Doing so always made me feel better and brightened my spirits.

When the weather is nice I plan to keep returning to the trail. I want to run a 5K in the next few months and it’ll be an ideal place to train.

“I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.” 
― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream